Deceased Members of Dearborn High School Class of 1971
- Andrew, Thomas Herbert
- Baize, Thomas E.
- Baston, Bill
- Beck, Richard E.
- Boersma, Kenneth Gilbert
- Bordeau, David James
- Brezina, Sherry
- Celeskey, Geraldine
- Chester, Lorraine Marie
- Clark, Barbara
- Corsi, Roger M
- Cosenza, Michael
- Derbyshire, Barry Earl
- Eilenfeldt, Cecelia Rae
- Filas, Taras P
- Gavorek, Joseph W Jr.
- Gilbert, Lawrence P
- Grant, Chester F
- Hallissey, David J
- Hyrila, Alan E
- Horvath, Michael C
- Ivey, Roger
- Jann, Thomas J
- Jones, James Robert
- Jones, Ronald Lee
- Kincheloe, Tommie
- Kwiatkowski, Paul
- Lingenfelter, John Mitchell III
- Loranger, Janice Lee
- Mainwaring, Michael C
- Mitchell, Robert John
- Munoz, Victoria Elizabeth
- Neill, Patrick J
- Nelson, James Owen
- Newgord, Steven Albert
- Nowka, Edmund Robert
- Parrent, Cheryl A
- Parsons, Michael Leslie
- Pattullo, Ann Elizabeth
- Richardson, Daniel Raymond
- Sanders, Steven
- Scherff, William A
- Solstad, Thomas E
- Stark, Dennis W
- Terreberry, Robert Hart
- Thaxton, Alona
- Thomson, Craig William
- Tomkow, Craig Alan
- Vickrey, James Fredrick
- Walsh, Kathryn
- Wargo, William J
- Wash, John Anthony
- Wilson, Kathleen Ethel
- Wolf Karen
- Yonish, Gerald Walter

- Bayer, Ann (office staff)
- Boughner, Don (art department chairman)
- Brown, Art (physics teacher)
- Challis, Dean (assistant principal)
- Essayan, Sirak (foreign policy/social studies teacher)
- Fogle, Eileen (English teacher)
- Godfrey, Matthew (biology teacher)
- Hamilton, Garold (counselor)
- Hill, Bill (physical education teacher/football coach)
- Jones, Richard (art teacher)
- King, Dill (social studies teacher)
- Konon, Lottie (office staff)
- Kurczynski, Leon (machine shop teacher)
- Lossing, Eldon (mathematics department chairman)
- Mark, Phil (vocal music teacher)
- May, Mary (business education teacher/co-op)
- Muldowney, Tom (physical education teacher/tennis coach)
- Otis, Willard (English teacher)
- Pearson, Victor (mathematics teacher)
- Russo, Anthony (music teacher/orchestra director/bandleader)
- Savage, Phyllis (physical education teacher)
- Sloan, Dean (English teacher)
- Stanyar, Angela (Spanish teacher)
- Valentine, William (English teacher)
- Waring, Richard (social studies teacher)
- Wetzel, Leith (mathematics teacher)
- Bielecki, Johanna (social worker)
- Brooks, James (physics teacher)
- Burich, Helen (social studies teacher)
- Dunworth, Jack (swim coach/cross country coach)
- Faull, Harry (assistant principal)
- Frye, David (social studies teacher and football coach)
- Guth, Cornell (mathematics teacher)
- Heydrick, Shirley (physical education teacher)
- Hire, Tom (art teacher)
- Keyser, Gordon (mathematics teacher)
- Koehler, Amanda (English teacher/Latin teacher)
- Kudreiko, Edward (counselor)
- Lomas, Charles (science teacher)
- Lowry, Ted (English teacher)
- Marshall, Donald (math department chairman)
- McLennan, Dr. Thomas David (assistant principal)
- O'Hagan, Don (English teacher)
- Pappas, Nick (English teacher)
- Roe, Wayne (social studies teacher)
- Ryan, Richard (social studies teacher)
- Shepherd, Richard (English teacher)
- Stehlik, Lou (physical education teacher/cheerleading coach)
- Truckenmiller, Jean (business education teacher/counselor)
- VanderHull, Jim (special education teacher/basketball coach)
- Welch, Richard (chemistry teacher and science department chairman)